
12c INHERIT PRIVILEGES Privilege Prevents SQL Injection in PL/SQL Code

Learn how the 12c INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege fixes another PL/SQL security problem – SQL injection – that has existed in PL/SQL invokers rights code since Oracle 8i.  Oracle Certified Master DBA John Watson will explain the problems, demonstrate the problems, demonstrate the 12c fix and provide a best practice for the 12c INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege.

Click here for another free SkillBuilders PL/SQL tutorial concerning the 12c INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege.

Experience with invokers rights PL/SQL code is assumed. For a review of invokers rights PL/SQL see this free SkillBuilders tutorial.

This free Oracle 12c PL/SQL tutorial is segmented into several separate lessons:

  1. Introduction (1:28) (click on video below)    click to read the Transcript(click to read the Transcript)
  2. Demonstration: SQL Injection via an invokers rights PL/SQL Function and an INDEX (3:07) click to read the Transcript
  3. Demonstration – Preventing SQL Injection (1:16) click to read the Transcript
  4. ** NEW AUG 31 ** Demonstration – SQL Injection via invokers rights PL/SQL Function and a VIEW (5:14) click to read the Transcript

Date: Aug 22, 2016

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