
Oracle Database SQL Tuning with Constraints

Learn how to tune SQL – especially in a data warehouse – with CONSTRAINTS.  Constraints provide critical information to the Cost Based Optimizer in the Oracle Database. Don’t drop your constraints for query performance! In these 5 lessons, Oracle Certified Master DBA John Watson will demonstrate how constraints – unique, foreign key, not null – improve the execution plan and thus performance of SQL in an Oracle database.

This free Oracle Database training is segmented into 5 separate lessons:

  1. Introduction (0:54)
  2. SQL Tuning with Foreign Key Constraints (3:02)
  3. SQL Tuning with NOT NULL Constraints (2:27)
  4. SQL Tuning with Unique Constraints (2:28) (click on video below)
  5. Conclusion and Key Takeaways (1:04)

Date: Sep 15, 2016

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