Spring is a lightweight Java framework for building enterprise applications. Its Core module allows you to manage the lifecycle of your objects and the dependencies between them via configuration metadata (either XML or annotations) and Dependency Injection / Inversion of Control. Its advanced capabilities provide support for JDBC and persistence frameworks like Hibernate (DAO and ORM modules), Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP module), and integration with Java EE Web technologies, security, transactions, and more.
This course is a new course based on the Spring 3 release. It includes complete coverage of the annotation based approach to configuration and the use of Java-5 capabilities that was first introduced in Spring 2.x, and which has been greatly enhanced in Spring 3. It also provides coverage of the traditional XML-based configuration that can still play an important role in existing and new projects.
- Understand the core principles of Spring, and of Dependency Injection (DI)/Inversion of Control
- Use the Spring Core module and DI to configure and wire application objects (beans) together
- Understand and use the complete capabilities of the Core module, such as lifecycle events, bean scopes, and the Spring API
- Work with the DAO and/or ORM modules to create a well structured persistence layer with JDBC
- Use Springs Data Integration with JDBC and technologies such as Hibernate or JPA.
- Understand and use Spring’s powerful new AOP capabilities for programming cross-cutting concerns across multiple points in an application
- Understand and use Spring’s transaction support, including its easy to use tx/aop XML configuration elements and Java 5 annotations
- Integrate Spring with Java EE Web applications
- Understand the basics of Spring Security, and how to secure Web apps and Spring managed beans with it
- Understand and use Spring Web Flow 2 to define complex user interface flow in Web applications.
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
- Overview of Spring Technology
- Shortcomings of Java EE, Spring Architecture
- Spring Introduction
- Managing Beans, The Spring Container, IoC, DI
- Configuration Metadata – XML, @Component, Auto-Detecting Beans
- Dependencies and Dependency Injection (DI)
- Dependency Inversion, Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring, DI Configuration – XML, @Resource
More about Bean Properties
- Working with Properties
- Configuring Value Properties, Property Conversions, Setter / Constructor Injection
- Spring Expression Language for Configuration
- Collection Valued Properties
- Configuring and using lists, sets, etc.
- Additional Capabilities
- Factory Methods, Bean Aliases, Definition Inheritance (Parent Beans)
The Spring Container and API
- ApplicationContext
- ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, FileSystemXmlApplicationContext, Constructors, Usage
- Resource Access – Overview, Resource Implementations
- Validation
- Overview, JSR-303
- Declarative Validation, @NotNull, @Size, @Min, etc
- Configuration, Injection
- Bean Scope and Lifecycle
- Bean Scope Defined, Configuring, Inner Beans, Bean Creation Lifecycle, Lifecycle Callbacks, BeanPostProcessor, Event Handling
- MessageSources
- Defining and Using Resource Bundles, Localization/I18N
- Annotation Driven Configuration
- Stereotypes: @Component, @Service, @Controller, @Repository
- Java EE 5 Annotation Support
- Defining Custom Annotations
- Autowiring
- @Autowired on setters, constructures, methods, fields
- Injecting resources like ApplicationContext
- Fine tuning with @Qualifier
- Java Based Bean Metadata (JavaConfig)
- Overview – code-centric Configuration
- @Confguration, @Bean, and @Value
- Importing and @Import
- Autowiring in Configuration Classes
- Mixing XML Configuraiton and @Configuration
- XML vs Annotation Based Configuration
- Other Capabilities
- SpEL – Spring Expression LanguageValidation
Database Access with Spring
- Issues with JDBC / Typical JDBC Flow
- Introduction to Spring DAO Support
- Spring Database API, (Simple)JdbcTemplate, (Simple)JdbcDaoSupport, DataSources,
- Working With and Configuring, , , With Bean Refs,
- Queries and Inserts
- RowMapper, ParameterizedRowMapper, Passing Arguments, queryForObject, query, update
- Additional API Capabilities
- Additional query methods, Passing Type Arguments, queryForList, FetchSize, MaxRows
- Using Spring with Hibernate
- Overview of Template Approach, SessionFactory configuration
- Using Contextual Sessions
- Using Spring with JPA
- LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean, LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean, JNDI, PersistenceUnitManager
- DAO Support – @PersistenceUnit, @PersistenceContext
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
- Overview of AOP
- AOP Basics, Aspect, Joinpoint, Advice, Pointcut
- Introduction to Spring AOP
- Capabilities, Configuration (Annotation Based and XML), Weaving, Joinpoints
- Using Aspects
- Defining Advice, Configuring Pointcuts, Targets and Proxies
- XML Configuration with
- AspectJ Pointcuts, Autoproxies
- Using @AspectJ Annotations
- @AspectJ Annotations, Declaring Advice
Spring Transaction (TX) Management
- Intro to Spring Transaction Management
- Overview, Component TX Model, TX Propagation, Declarative Transactions, TransactionManagers
- Using Spring Transactions
- Annotation Configured Transactions
- @Transactional and its settings
- XML Configured Transactions
- new elements, Configuring tx:advice, and tx:attributes
- Defining the TX advisor
Introduction to Spring Web Integration
- Integrating Spring with Java EE Web Apps
- ContextLoaderListener
- WebApplicationContext
- Using Spring beans in Wep app controller logic
Overview of Spring Security
- Overview – Capabilities, Architecture
- Introduction to Spring Security
- HTTP Security
- Method Security
- Annotation-Based Security
- Expression-Based Access Control
- Authentication Providers