Advanced Ruby on Rails is a course for people who have some Ruby and Rails experience and want to go to the next level. Advanced Ruby on Rails has been developed to help you understand why things work the way they do, along with helping you develop specific skills and techniques. You won’t just be repeating steps mechanically; you’ll understand Rails and understand how to keep advancing!
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 5 Days
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
Routing and REST
- URL recognition
- URL generation
- Custom routes
- Named routes
- REST fundamentals
- HTTP request methods and Rails requests
- _url and _path named routes
- Nested and polymorphic resources
Ruby modules, classes, and methods
- Method lookup
- Modules and classes
- Singleton methods
Ruby variables in detail
- Local, instance, class, global
Ruby built-in classes
- Regexp, Range, File, Struct, and others
Ruby blocks, Procs, and methods
ActiveRecord optimizations
- Eager loading
- select and other limiters
- Raw SQL
- Collection proxies and laziness
- Scoping
ActiveRecord assignments
- Using plain attributes
- Overriding setter methods
- White/black-listing columns for assignment
Advanced associations
- what you get for free
- non-default naming
- polymorphic
- embellishing with methods
- subversion
- capistrano
- Vlad the Deployer
- mongrel and mongrel clusters
- Proxying from Apache and nginx
- Issues in deployment
- Unit/functional/integration
- Acceptance testing with Selenium
- Continuous feedback with autotest
Single-table inheritance
- Page, action, and fragment caching
Plugins and add-ons
- Plugin architecture
- Writing plugins
- Survey of useful plugins
Writing and using ad hoc library code
Exploring the Rails source code
- Modifying and hooking into source code
- Alias_method_chain, field_error_proc, and other hooks