In this course we will explore many quality of life enhancements that have been added in APEX 18.1. We will primarily focus on REST enhancements but will also explore Font APEX HD, New Create App Wizard, Social Login and a few other notable features. Lets see how we can upgrade our APEX applications with 18.1!
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 8 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 6
- Assessments Yes
Updated Font APEX
- Added HD icons for when a large icon is needed
REST Service Overhaul
- Added region source locations
- Local Database- What we are used to
- Remote Database- Another database
- Web Source – RESTful service defined in shared components
- Declarative result caching
- Web Credentials – New shared component
- Username
- Password
- Client Id
- Client Secret
APEX_EXEC package
- Useful for reusing declarative services and building plugins
New Create APP Wizard
- Application Features
- About Page
- Access Control
- Activity Reporting
- Configuration Options
- Feedback
- Theme Style Selection
- Application Blueprint
- JSON representation of features and configuration. Possible future or version control?
Social Login
- OAuth login workflow supporting. Google, Facebook, Twitter…
APEX Global Search (Spotlight)
- Search and redirect to APEX components
- Command: Ctrl + ‘
EMAIL Templates
- apex_mail api change
- Pass in placeholder JSON
- Refer to emails templates by ID