
Oracle APEX 5.0 New Features Tutorial

Watch this free video tutorial and take the APEX 5.0 for a test drive. We will demonstrate the new Universal Theme, Page Designer, built-in support for Modal Windows, the new and very cool Theme Roller, Interactive Report enhancements and many other features that make APEX 5.0 so awesome. This webinar is intended for developers who have already built applications with Orace Application Express.

Presenter: Certified Oracle APEX Expert Tyson Jouglet

Language: English

Be sure to set the Youtube settings to High Definition. For best viewing, also watch in full screen mode.

  1. Experience the new login with Oracle SSO and the very helpful List of Workspaces (demonstration) (4:55)
  2. New Application Builder and Responsive Theme (demonstration) (1:33)
  3. APEX 5 Theme Roller Demonstration (5:59)
  4. (it is a mystery, what happened to Lesson 4! ) (0.00)
  5. Integrating Font Awesome (scalable vector icons) (4:17)
  6. Modal Pop-Ups in APEX 5.0 (4:03)
  7. Page Designer (8:05) (click on video below)
  8. Plug-Ins (6:41)
  9. Interactive Reports (8:02)

Date: Feb 17, 2015

NOTE: Some corporate firewalls will not allow videos hosted by YouTube.