
Oracle APEX Security Tutorial

Learn how to harden your Oracle APEX applications! Prevent cross site scripting, SQL injection and more.

Oracle Application Express (APEX) has many security related features that help developers create applications that are guarded from today’s web based threats. But if developers are unaware of these features, how they work and what they guard against, then it is likely they will create applications with at least a few security holes. In this tutorial you will see demos of certain exploits, including Cross Site Scripting and SQL injection, and subsequently learn how to protect against them using the correct feature(s) in APEX or Oracle in general.

Want more? April 10 INTERMEDIATE APEX Training with Expert Tyson Jouglet!

This free training is segmented into several separate lessons:

  1. Overview (1:21)
  2. Is APEX Secure (1:13)
  3. Controlling Access (0:57)
  4. Authentication Schemes (3:08)
  5. Conditions vs Authorization (12:45)
  6. Protect the Ends (12:45) (click on video below)
  7. Propagate the WHERE (3:47)
  8. Session State Protection (8:44)
  9. Other Session State Protection (3:24)
  10. SQL Injection (5:16)
  11. Cross Site Scripting (9:05)

Date: Sep 27, 2012

Want more? April 10 INTERMEDIATE APEX Training with Expert Tyson Jouglet!

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