
What is Oracle 12c Unified Audit

Learn Oracle Database 12c New Features – Unified Audit – with Oracle Certified Master John Watson.

In this free tutorial, John will demonstrate how to implement and use 12c “unified audit”, and how it is superior to standard (11g and earlier) auditing.  John will also discuss its limitations.

This free training is segmented into several separate modules:

  1. Why Oracle DBAs Dislike Auditing and What 12c Unified Audit Does About It (1:18)
  2. Demonstration – Review Standard Auditing – The Old Way (2:32) (click on video below)
  3. Disadvantages of Standard Auditing (2:16)
  4. Introduction to 12c Unified Auditing (1:44)
  5. Demonstration – Enabling 12c Unified Audit (1:32)
  6. Demonstration – Using Unified Audit Policies (2:12)
  7. 12c Unified Audit Summary and Possible Issues (1:37)

Date: Sep 23, 2014

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