
Oracle APEX Training

Online and In-Person Instructor-Led, Hands-On Oracle APEX Training since 2008 from experienced instructors! Not only have our instructors have been building APEX Application Developers for 14 years but they actively develop APEX applications (see their recent Case Studies in the Oracle APEX Training White Paper). Also consider the Plug-ins and Products we’ve built and shared with the APEX community.  We began testing Online training in 2002 and we’ve learned a lot of lessons.  One is that employees and their managers often do no want to be out of the office for a full day. Our solution? We offer online training in 1/2 day sessions!

Starting the Conversation about Oracle APEX

We know it can be hard to make the right decision on what to spend time and money on when it comes to Oracle Education.  At Skillbuilders we want to make it easy to get the information you need.  To start you can call us right now at +1(401)783-6172 with any APEX class questions.

Students Viewed Our Free Content
Attended Live APEX Training
Dedicated APEX Training Classes
5 Star Ratings Across Classes

Online or In-Person Instructor Led APEX Training by These Experts

Richard Martens

Greg Jarmiolowski

Lino Schildenfeld

Need Help?

Contact us for more information about our hands-on Oracle APEX Training courses.

Download our APEX Training White Paper

We have put together some information about Skillbuilders and what APEX classes we offer.

Expert Level Training for Fourteen Years.

With a combined experience of 50 years in Oracle APEX and a solid teaching
track record you can trust us to deliver the education to achieve maximum knowledge transfer.

Class Reviews Average 4.9 out of 5

More than 500 reviews that average 4.9 out of 5! We let our results speak for themselves. Take a look at our reviews to see what actual students are saying about our training.

Schedules that Work for Employees & Employers

Online classes typically run in full day sessions. This keeps developers out of work an entire day. Plus, studies have found that too many consecutive hours of training reduces comprehension and retention. But SkillBuilders’ online classes are delivered in half-day sessions, typically 4 or 5 hours per session (exception by special request). Half-Day sessions are rare if not unique. SkillBuilders can do this because when our instructors aren’t teaching they’re building APEX applications.

Instructors that also Develop APEX Applications.

Instructors with real-world experience. Yes, actual and real, real-word experience. Take a look at the Case Studies detailing the development projects our instructors have recently completed. Sometimes a class, especially small Advanced classes, turn into mentoring sessions, i.e. the instructor shows the students how to solve a problem in their own applications!

Hands-on Learning, Building Real Apps

Studies show - and most people agree - people learn by doing. So, our developer classes include well-planned hands-on labs (aka exercises). So students get the fundamentals with an instructor demo and talk, then get the chance to try it themselves. The instructor is there to help! Learn by Doing!

View Our Oracle APEX Training Classes

All classes are online unless otherwise noted with a physical classroom location.
All dates are in Eastern Time (ET).


Course Title Date
Oracle APEX Administration
  • June 2, 2025 9:00 am
Oracle APEX Security
  • May 12, 2025 9:00 am
Advanced Oracle Application Express (APEX) Workshop
  • May 19, 2025 1:00 pm
Introduction to Oracle Database and SQL
  • March 31, 2025 1:00 pm
Introduction to Oracle Application Express (APEX for Beginners)
  • March 31, 2025 1:00 pm
Intermediate Oracle Application Express (APEX) Training
  • April 21, 2025 1:00 pm
Oracle PL/SQL Programming Workshop
  • April 7, 2025 1:00 pm
Advanced SQL Queries for Oracle Databases
  • April 21, 2025 1:00 pm
HTML5, CSS and JavaScript fundamentals for Oracle APEX Developers
  • May 19, 2025 1:00 pm
Fast Track to Oracle Application Express
  • Please Call
JavaScript Fundamentals for Oracle APEX Developers
  • Please Call
An Introduction to JSON in Oracle Databases
  • Please Call
SQL Tuning Masterclass: How to Read Oracle Execution Plans
  • April 14, 2025 10:00 am
Oracle SQL Tuning - Core Skills for Developers
  • Please Call
Oracle APEX Debugging Masterclass
  • April 21, 2025 9:00 am

Our Oracle APEX Training Path

Oracle APEX Training FAQs

  • How do I pronounce the “APEX” in Oracle APEX.

    Even though “APEX” is short for Application Express, it is pronounced ay-peks.

  • What is Oracle APEX?

    A web-based application development platform for building web-based applications. It resides within the Oracle database and comes included with Oracle Database. Many people agree that APEX is the best development platform for building database-centric web-based applications. (See next question for more on this.)  For a great, free video introduction to APEX, see SkillBuilders’ Oracle APEX Training on YouTube.

  • What is a “database-centric web-based” application mean for APEX?

    It’s an application that runs in a browser and presents and updates data that resides in a database. In the case of Oracle APEX the data resides in an Oracle Database - specifically, the database in which APEX is installed.

    APEX applications can access data in remote Oracle databases and non-Oracle databases, but the main, typical and normal data store is within the Oracle database in which APEX is installed.

  • Why APEX RAD? For example, why not LAMP?

    Oracle APEX is a fantastic web-dev tool because:

    • Everyone wants their apps to run in a browser, even if the app isn’t exposed to the internet (i.e. it’s used within/on a company network). Well, APEX provides an easy way to get started and build simple web-based applications. You do not need to learn Php, HTML, Javascript, etc.
    • Applications without data are not very useful. APEX provides easy access to the one of the most popular databases in the world, Oracle.
    • The Oracle RAD stack is an inclusive technology stack based on three core components: Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS), Oracle APEX, and Oracle Database.  This stack provides all the necessary components to develop and deploy world-class, powerful, beautiful, and scalable apps. There are no other moving parts of additional components required.
  • Where can I get access to Oracle APEX?

    SkillBuilders will provide access to an APEX Workspace and logon credentials when you attend class. If you want to get started now, sign up for an “Always-Free Workspace” from Oracle Corp.

  • Is Oracle APEX difficult to learn?

    No. While it is helpful to have some development experience, sometimes business users with no programming experience have learned APEX to convert spreadsheets into APEX applications.  Skillbuilders is here to guide you to becoming an expert Oracle APEX Developer.

  • Do I have to be an HTML or JavaScript expert to build an APEX application?
    No. The application developer uses a graphical user interface to construct the application, including the web pages. APEX constructs the HTML. However, knowledge of web dev languages (e.g. HTML, JavaScript, JSON) will let the developer create ever-more sophisticated applications.
  • How long does it take to learn APEX?

    You’ll be able to begin creating simple applications within a week but, realistically, to become proficient in developing secure web applications, 6 months of learning and developing.

  • Which APEX class ( Intro, Intermediate or Advanced) is the right for me?
    Best way for us to determine this is have you meet with our instructor to better understand your skills and goals for the class. This will help us help you make the best decision. Skillbuilders can do this and can help guide down the best training path to reach your goals based on what you want to build.
  • Do I need to know Oracle SQL and PL/SQL before learning APEX?

    It is strongly recommended that you have Oracle SQL and PL/SQL skills before taking a APEX training class. Having a fundamental knowledge of SQL will help you construct a better database which forms the foundation for all APEX applications. PL/SQL is required if you want to take advantage of all the built in functionality of the database for server side processing. With a grasp of these two languages you will get the most out of each APEX class.

APEX Training Reviews

Larry A.

February 24, 2025

Dean was an excellent teacher for the beginners class. Thank you Dean!

Larry A.

Ken Light

February 24, 2025

This was a good starting point for the APEX journey. Videos will be valuable along with the printed material.

Ken Light

Felix Julianto

February 10, 2025

Took intro to APEX with Dean and very recommended!

Felix Julianto

Companies we Have Partnered With

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  • nccc
  • pva
  • ge_capital
  • waters
  • Boehringer Ingelheim_logo

Hudson Advisors

SkillBuilders developed a custom single sign-on solution allowing seamless navigation and integration between the customer’s Oracle E-Business applications and custom APEX applications.

BAE Systems | Manchester, New Hampshire

As the lead Oracle Application Express (APEX) resource, Dan leveraged his knowledge of APEX, Oracle, and related web based technologies to help design and build a custom user interface on BAE’s existing Oracle EBS back end. Dan was an integral part of a team effort that took the project from behind to ahead of schedule while total staff was decreased. The project was completed on time and above expectations – a finished product which included additional deliverables.

North Carolina Community College NCCC

SkillBuilders was brought in to salvage and complete the project. SkillBuilders successfully completed the project on time and under budget.  The Apprentice Program application was migrated to SkillBuilders’ AWS hosting platform in the Spring of 2016.  This included a migration from BI Publisher to FOP and Apex Office Print.

Paralyzed Veterans of America

SkillBuilders developed an Online Registration system for the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) with Oracle APEX. The application allows participants and coaches to enroll in the annual National Wheelchair Games via the web. Mobile tablet support was essential to satisfy the needs of the participants. A back office component of the application allows staff to process the applications.

GE Capital

“I thought the instructor was excellent. Mick Hosegood did a very good job. The course content and materials were also well done!”


“When Waters Corp software customers needed a tool to manage ASM disks, non-ASM disk, RMAN backups, imports/exports, monitor and send alerts, manage database users (e.g. password management), SkillBuilders developed an integrated Oracle APEX solution.”

Boehringer Ingelheim

“In addition to training BI developers Oracle database, SQL and APEX development, SkillBuilders provides on-going application design reviews, planning and development assistance.”