
Oracle Database 12c Extended Datatypes

Learn Oracle Database 12c new features in this free tutorial from SkillBuilders and Oracle Certified Master John Watson.

In this training, John explains and demonstrates the 12c feature “extended datatypes”.

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This free training is segmented into several separate modules:

  1. Introduction to Oracle 12c Database Extended Datatypes (1:06)
  2. Demonstration – Converting a 12c Database to Support Extended Datatypes (1:38) (click on video below)
  3. Introduction to Using Oracle 12c Extended Datatypes (1:46)
  4. Demonstration – Using Oracle 12c Extended Datatypes with SQL Tuning Tips (4:49)
  5. 12c Extended Datatype Architecture (LOBs) (2:10)
  6. Demonstration – 12c Extended Datatypes Uncovered (2:49)
  7. Summary – 12c Extended Datatypes including Monitoring Tips (1:14)

Date: Sep 19, 2014

Call us today about our 12c New Features for Developers class, or enroll online.

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