In this Python training course, students learn to program in Python. The course is aimed at students new to the language who may or may not have experience with other programming languages.
- Learn how Python works and what it’s good for.
- Understand Python’s place in the world of programming languages.
- Learn to work with and manipulate strings in Python.
- Learn to perform math operations with Python.
- Learn to work with Python sequences: lists, arrays, dictionaries, and sets.
- Learn to collect user input and output results.
- Learn flow control processing in Python.
- Learn to write to and read from files using Python.
- Learn to write functions in Python.
- Learn to handle exceptions in Python.
- Learn to work with dates and times in Python.
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 4 Days
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
- Python Basics
- Running Python
- Python Interpreter in Interactive Mode
- Commercial and Free Python IDEs
- Hello, World!
- Literals
- Python Comments
- Data Types
- Variables
- Variable Names
- Variable Assignment
- Simultaneous Assignment
- Constants
- Deleting Variables
- Writing a Python Module
- The main() Function
- print() Function
- Named Arguments
- Collecting User Input
- Getting Help
- Running Python
- Functions and Modules
- Defining Functions
- Variable Scope
- Global Variables
- Function Parameters
- Using Parameter Names in Function Calls
- Default Values
- Returning Values
- Importing Modules
- Module Search Path
- pyc Files
- Math
- Arithmetic Operators
- Modulus and Floor Division
- Assignment Operators
- Order of Operations
- Built-in Math Functions
- The math Module
- The random Module
- Seeding
- Python Strings
- Quotation Marks and Special Characters
- Escaping Characters
- Triple Quotes
- String Indexing
- Slicing Strings
- Concatenation and Repetition
- Common String Methods
- String Formatting
- Format Specification
- Long Lines of Code
- Built-in String Functions
- Quotation Marks and Special Characters
- Iterables: Sequences, Dictionaries, and Sets
- Definitions
- Sequences
- Lists
- Deleting List Elements
- Sequences and Random
- Tuples
- The Immutability of Tuples
- Lists vs. Tuples
- Ranges
- Indexing and Slicing
- Converting Sequences to Strings with str.join(seq)
- Splitting Strings into Lists
- Unpacking Sequences
- Dictionaries
- The update() Method
- The setdefault() Method
- Dictionary View Objects
- Deleting Dictionary Keys
- The len() Function
- Sets
- *args and **kwargs
- Flow Control
- Conditional Statements
- The is and is not Operators
- Python’s Ternary Operator
- Loops in Python
- while Loops
- for Loops
- break and continue
- The else Clause
- The enumerate() Function
- Generators
- The next() Function
- List Comprehensions
- File Processing
- Opening Files
- Methods of File Objects
- The os and os.path Modules
- Opening Files
- Exception Handling
- Wildcard except Clauses
- Getting Information on Exceptions
- The else Clause
- The finally Clause
- Using Exceptions for Flow Control
- Exception Hierarchy
- Dates and Times
- Understanding Time
- The time Module
- The datetime Module
- Running Python Scripts from the Command Line
- The sys Module
- sys.argv