
Oracle PL/SQL Training By Experienced, Expert Instructors

Online instructor-led hands-on training and mentoring from some of the world’s most experienced and knowledgeable Oracle Developers.  SkillBuilders has been training students all things Oracle Database for 26+ years.  Harness our experience in Oracle with our new PL/SQL training path where we have proven classes that can bring your Oracle PL/SQL knowledge from Beginner to Expert level.  

What Makes Our PL/SQL Training Better?

Our PL/SQL class was designed and written by our founder, Dave Anderson. Dave has been teaching complex developer subjects since 1985 (e.g. Assembler Programming).  After teaching PL/SQL programming hundreds of times, Dave’s course design takes the student quickly from PL/SQL basics to more advanced concepts, without overloading the student. (Since PL/SQL is a language that runs inside the Oracle Database and has no native user interface, this can be tricky.) Our course also focuses on performant PL/SQL right from the start. Where it is possible to mention a performance-related concept it is done, even in the basic lessons. Learning to create efficient, scalable and maintainable PL/SQL is a major goal of the course. The result is that any developer with some SQL experience can, in 5 half day sessions, gain the skills to build their own, well-written, procedures, functions and triggers.

Where PL/SQL Really Shines! APEX!

Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a rapid development platform that enables you to quickly build scalable and secure web applications for both desktop and mobile. The framework uses a declarative approach to the user interface relieving the developer of tedious html, css and javascript coding. It also provides declarative support for database reporting and data manipulation. Business logic however cannot be provided by the framework and this is where PL/SQL, Oracle’s powerful procedural language, steps in.

Knowledge in PL/SQL is a must for APEX developers and the more proficient you are in PL/SQL the better, more structured and maintainable your APEX applications will be.


Online or In-Person Instruction for Oracle PL/SQL by These Experts

Richard Martens

Geoffrey Wiland

Greg Jarmiolowski

PL/SQL Training Statistics

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5 Star Ratings Across Classes
Attended Live PL/SQL Training
Dedicated PL/SQL Training Classes

Where to Start with PL/SQL Training

We know it can be hard to make the right decision on what to spend time and money on when it comes to Oracle PL/SQL Training.  At SkillBuilders we want to make it easy to get the information you need. We have created a training path to bring you up to expert levels in PL/SQL. 

To start you can call us right now at +1(401)783-6172 with any questions or, outside business hours, use our Request for Information form. (Business hours 8:30 AM to 5 PM Eastern)


With a combined experience of 50 years in Oracle APEX and a solid teaching
track record you can trust us to deliver the education to achieve maximum knowledge transfer.
See Our PL/SQL Class Reviews

Class Reviews Average 4.9 out of 5

More than 500 reviews that average 4.9 out of 5! We let our results speak for themselves. Take a look at our reviews to see what actual students are saying about our training.
View Reviews

Schedules that Work for Employees & Employers

Other Oracle training companies typically run online classes in full day sessions. This keeps developers out of work an entire day. Plus, studies have found that too many consecutive hours of training reduces comprehension and retention.However, SkillBuilders’ online classes are delivered in half-day sessions, typically 4 or 5 hours per session (exception by special request). Half-Day sessions are rare if not unique. SkillBuilders can do this because when our instructors aren’t teaching they’re building APEX applications.

Instructors that also Develop APEX Applications.

Instructors with real-world experience. Yes, actual and real, real-word experience. Take a look at the Case Studies detailing the development projects our instructors have recently completed. Sometimes a class, especially small Advanced classes, turn into mentoring sessions, i.e. the instructor shows the students how to solve a problem in their own applications!

Hands-on Learning, Building Real Apps

Studies show - and most people agree - people learn by doing. So, our developer classes include well-planned hands-on labs (aka exercises). So students get the fundamentals with an instructor demo and talk, then get the chance to try it themselves. The instructor is there to help! Learn by Doing!

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Oracle PL/SQL Training Class Schedule

All classes are online unless otherwise noted with a physical classroom location.
All dates are in Eastern Time (ET).


Course Title Date
Oracle SQL Tuning for Developers and DBAs
  • May 5, 2025 9:00 am
Introduction to Oracle Database and SQL
  • March 31, 2025 1:00 pm
Oracle PL/SQL Programming Workshop
  • April 7, 2025 1:00 pm
Advanced SQL Queries for Oracle Databases
  • April 21, 2025 1:00 pm
An Introduction to JSON in Oracle Databases
  • Please Call
SQL Tuning Masterclass: How to Read Oracle Execution Plans
  • April 14, 2025 10:00 am
Oracle SQL Tuning - Core Skills for Developers
  • Please Call

Our Oracle PL/SQL Training Path

Oracle PL/SQL FAQs

  • What is PL/SQL?
    • PL/SQL is a 3rd generation language (3GL).
    • It significantly extends the capabilities of SQL in an Oracle database.
    • It provides all the capabilities you would expect including variable definition and assignment, conditional processing (IF and CASE statements), loop constructs, error handing, etc.
  • How does PL/SQL differ from SQL?
    • SQL is primarily designed to store data in and retrieve data from your database. It is an ANSI standard language, although Oracle has significantly enhanced its SQL to provide additional functionality.
    • Since PL/SQL is a 3GL, it provides much more sophisticated manipulation of the data than is possible with SQL.
  • What can PL/SQL do that SQL cannot?
    • First, PL/SQL supports seamless integration with SQL. This allows PL/SQL to embed SQL statements to retrieve many rows of data, and then loop through the rows.
    • PL/SQL extends SQL to support manipulation or rows individually to do whatever is needed: perform analyses, generate detailed reports, do statistical analyses, export data, generate emails, etc.
  • What does PL/SQL do well and what does it not do well?
    • PL/SQL is primarily designed to manipulate data. With is language capabilities and close integration with SQL, it does that extremely well.
    • As such it is very good for most commercial applications. However, it was not designed to do extremely sophisticated calculations and numerical analysis.
    • For example, PL/SQL is not the tool to calculate when to fire rocket engines to control a flight in space.
  • I do my SQL calls from Java/C++/.NET/etc. Why should I use PL/SQL?

    Since PL/SQL and SQL integration is seamless, and they both run on the Oracle server, PL/SQL is generally easier, more efficient, and has more sophisticated built-in capabilities than is available when performing the integration with other languages.

    A single call to PL/SQL can run a program with any number of calls toSQL. If each of those calls were made from another language, there would be much more traffic across the network. If you needed 10,000 calls to SQL to accomplish your task, another language would have to place 10,000 calls on the network. If PL/SQL did the work, only one call would be placed on the network: “Run the PL/SQL program”.

  • Is PL/SQL difficult to learn?
    • Since PL/SQL is a 3GL it is much simpler to learn that an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Language such as C++, Java, and VisualBasic .NET.
    • The basics of the language can be learned in a week or so, and a good working knowledge of the language can be learned in a couple of months. This is compared to 6 months to 2 years to get a good working knowledge of an OOP Language.

Reviews of Our PL/SQL Training

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Companies we Have Partnered With

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  • Boehringer Ingelheim_logo

Hudson Advisors

SkillBuilders developed a custom single sign-on solution allowing seamless navigation and integration between the customer’s Oracle E-Business applications and custom APEX applications.

BAE Systems | Manchester, New Hampshire

As the lead Oracle Application Express (APEX) resource, Dan leveraged his knowledge of APEX, Oracle, and related web based technologies to help design and build a custom user interface on BAE’s existing Oracle EBS back end. Dan was an integral part of a team effort that took the project from behind to ahead of schedule while total staff was decreased. The project was completed on time and above expectations – a finished product which included additional deliverables.

North Carolina Community College NCCC

SkillBuilders was brought in to salvage and complete the project. SkillBuilders successfully completed the project on time and under budget.  The Apprentice Program application was migrated to SkillBuilders’ AWS hosting platform in the Spring of 2016.  This included a migration from BI Publisher to FOP and Apex Office Print.

Paralyzed Veterans of America

SkillBuilders developed an Online Registration system for the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) with Oracle APEX. The application allows participants and coaches to enroll in the annual National Wheelchair Games via the web. Mobile tablet support was essential to satisfy the needs of the participants. A back office component of the application allows staff to process the applications.

GE Capital

“I thought the instructor was excellent. Mick Hosegood did a very good job. The course content and materials were also well done!”


“When Waters Corp software customers needed a tool to manage ASM disks, non-ASM disk, RMAN backups, imports/exports, monitor and send alerts, manage database users (e.g. password management), SkillBuilders developed an integrated Oracle APEX solution.”

Boehringer Ingelheim

“In addition to training BI developers Oracle database, SQL and APEX development, SkillBuilders provides on-going application design reviews, planning and development assistance.”