
Oracle Database Administration Training By Certified, Expert Instructors

Online instructor-led hands-on training and mentoring from one of the world’s most experienced and knowledgeable Oracle Database Administrators, Oracle Certified Master John Watson.   (On-premise training is also available in some areas. )

In addition to John’s Oracle Certified Master DBA credential, John has attained an “Oracle Certified Expert” in the following:

  • Maximum Availability Certified Master
  • RAC and Grid Infrastructure Administrator
  • Maximum (High) Availability (RAC)
  • Data Guard Administrator
  • Performance Management and Tuning
  • Security Certified Implementation Specialist

In 2021, John also attained Oracle’s “Professional Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect” certification!

See some demos of our training below.  We also have released some of our previous content in our free oracle DBA training section.

Online or In-Person Instruction for Oracle Database Administration by These Experts

Dave Anderson

John Watson Oracle Certified Master DBA, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect

Geoffrey Wiland

John Watson: A world-renowned Oracle Author

Here is Where to Start with DBA Training

We know it can be hard to make the right decision on what to spend time and money on when it comes to Oracle Education.  At Skillbuilders we want to make it easy to get the information you need.  To start you can call us right now at +1(401)783-6172 with any Oracle DBA Training or Certification class questions.

DBA Training Stats

Students Viewed Our Free Content
5 Star Ratings Across Classes
Attended Live DBA Training
Dedicated DBA Training Classes

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Our Oracle DBA Training Path

Oracle DBA FAQs

  • Backup and recovery: Is a Data Pump export a backup?

    No. An export cannot be used to restore and recover a damaged or missing data file.

  • Backup and recovery: Can you backup on one platform and restore to another?
    Yes, but there are some limitations and it can be awkward.
  • Backup and recovery: Can you backup in one release and restore to a higher release?
    Yes, but have to run the upgrade routine against the restored database.
  • DB tuning: What is a wait event?
    Something that causes a session or the instance to hang. They happen - not necessarily a problem.
  • DB tuning: Are AWR reports available in Standard Edition?
    No, the AWR requires EE plus the Diagnostics Pack. Use Statspack if these are not available.
  • DB tuning: Is Automatic Memory Management a feature one should use?
    It makes DB Admin easier, but does have limitations. Probably best to use it only on lower end systems.
  • Multitenant: How is Multitenant licensed?
    Free, and very useful, in all editions for up to three PDBs. More than three? You need EE plus the option.
  • Multitenant: Can you unplug from, eg, a release 12.x DB and plug in to a 19.x DB?
    Sure, then run the upgrade routine against it. Probabaly the easiest and quickest way to upgrade.
  • Security: Can an old 10g client connect to an 19c database?
    Yes, if you configure the database to generate and accept 10g password verifiers.
  • Security: Why don't roles work in PL/SQL definer's rights procedures?
    Because roles are dynamically enabled and disabled, but PL/SQL is statically compiled.

DBA Training Reviews

Orlando Bravo

May 6, 2024

The course was excellent. John is like a walking Oracle encyclopedia. There wasn’t a question that I asked that he didn’t have an elaborate explanation for. John keeps the content interesting and engaging.

He drives the course at your pace not his. I have requested my company authorize the next workshop in the DBA series as a result of my experience.

Orlando Bravo

No Title

August 16, 2023

This course has been by far the most valuable one. The instructor went over the basics as well as lot of new insights.

The instructor provided not only additional documentation, answered all questions and helped us navigate some of real examples. The instructor was very knowledgeable and helped us understand the statspack much in depth.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking for SQL tuning and fine tuning.

Arati Nemani

Yihua Zhang

August 15, 2023

This course is about core Oracle SQL performance tuning and ranks among the most outstanding ones I have participated in. The course content delves into considerable depth, and the labs and examples have been thoughtfully selected. Additionally, John provided valuable assistance in addressing our environment-specific inquiries. The pace is fast, prior SQL performance tuning experience is recommended before taking this course. I enthusiastically suggest considering this course!

Yihua Zhang

Companies we Have Partnered With

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  • nccc
  • pva
  • ge_capital
  • waters
  • Boehringer Ingelheim_logo

Hudson Advisors

SkillBuilders developed a custom single sign-on solution allowing seamless navigation and integration between the customer’s Oracle E-Business applications and custom APEX applications.

BAE Systems | Manchester, New Hampshire

As the lead Oracle Application Express (APEX) resource, Dan leveraged his knowledge of APEX, Oracle, and related web based technologies to help design and build a custom user interface on BAE’s existing Oracle EBS back end. Dan was an integral part of a team effort that took the project from behind to ahead of schedule while total staff was decreased. The project was completed on time and above expectations – a finished product which included additional deliverables.

North Carolina Community College NCCC

SkillBuilders was brought in to salvage and complete the project. SkillBuilders successfully completed the project on time and under budget.  The Apprentice Program application was migrated to SkillBuilders’ AWS hosting platform in the Spring of 2016.  This included a migration from BI Publisher to FOP and Apex Office Print.

Paralyzed Veterans of America

SkillBuilders developed an Online Registration system for the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) with Oracle APEX. The application allows participants and coaches to enroll in the annual National Wheelchair Games via the web. Mobile tablet support was essential to satisfy the needs of the participants. A back office component of the application allows staff to process the applications.

GE Capital

“I thought the instructor was excellent. Mick Hosegood did a very good job. The course content and materials were also well done!”


“When Waters Corp software customers needed a tool to manage ASM disks, non-ASM disk, RMAN backups, imports/exports, monitor and send alerts, manage database users (e.g. password management), SkillBuilders developed an integrated Oracle APEX solution.”

Boehringer Ingelheim

“In addition to training BI developers Oracle database, SQL and APEX development, SkillBuilders provides on-going application design reviews, planning and development assistance.”